Advanced Wound Dressings

Advanced Wound Dressings

Discover advanced, non-invasive wound healing with advanced wound dressings at Innovative Wound Care Specialists.

Advanced Wound Dressings are used for moderate to severe draining, chronic, and non-healing wounds. The purpose of this dressing is to heal and protect wounds to prevent infection and create a stronger recovery.

How Does Advanced Wound Dressings Work?

Advanced Wound Dressings are different from compression, or traditional dressings, as an advanced dressings’ main function is to prevent any further damage to a wound by creating and maintaining a moist environment for the wound.

How Long Will Someone Need to Keep an Advanced Wound Dressing On?

The answer to this question will be determined by your medical provider, and considering the severity of the addressed wound and the form of the applied advanced wound dressing. Some advanced wound dressings stay on from as little as 24 hours to as long as one week.

Learn More About Advanced Wound Dressings

An advanced wound dressing comes with many benefits in creating quick recovery for a wound. These include:

  • Decreased chance of infection
  • Moisture balance
  • Minimize scarring

This use of an advanced wound dressing is primarily used when a wound is:

  • Deep

  • Non-healing

  • Moderate to severe draining

  • High risk of infection

These forms of wounds can form from:

  • Venous hypertension

  • Venous ulcers

  • Problematic surgical wounds

  • Lower extremity edema

  • Diabetic ulcers

  • Burns

Upon assessment of the wound, a medical provider will be able to determine the appropriate form of advanced wound dressings. These are:

  • Hydrogels: helps to hydrate the wound for optimal healing

  • Foam Dressings: provides cushion and hydration to wounded area

  • Hydrocolloid: works to absorb excess moisture and creates a gel-like substance over wound

  • Transparent film dressings: provides an outer covering for wound, with a moist environment promoting cell migration and healing

Consult your healthcare provider to determine if an advanced wound dressing is suitable for your condition.

To begin your healing journey at a qualified facility with seasoned wound care professionals—or simply learn more about this treatment, reach out to our team at Innovative Wound Care Specialists. We’re here to help.

Contact us by phone (810) 600-2030 or email and our friendly staff will assist you every step of the way. Don’t wait any longer to explore the benefits of an advanced wound dressing—get started today!

Advanced Wound Dressing(s) FAQ

What is important about advanced wound dressing?

The importance of any wound dressing, especially an advanced wound dressing, is that it aids in the recovery process of healing a variety of wounds. The main function is to prevent infection and provide quicker recovery for the patient.

What types of wounds need advanced dressings vs. compression dressing?

The main difference between what wound needs a compression dressing vs. an advanced dressing is contingent on the severity of the wound. If your medical provider finds a wound to appear chronic, meaning delay in healing and/or moderate to severe draining, they will most like select an advanced dressing for optimal recovery.

Does it hurt when an advanced wound dressing is applied?

Some patients may experience discomfort when applying, or changing, an advanced wound dressing, due to the infected area already being sensitive. Your medical provider should select the appropriate advanced wound dressing to prevent any extreme discomfort. It is also important to share with your medical provider if you are experiencing any discomfort during the application.

Can I place an advanced wound dressing on at home?

Some superficial injuries may be appropriate to address at home. However, it is not advised to apply your own advanced wound dressing at home in the case of moderate to severe wounds. It is crucial to seek the proper medical provider to apply to suitable advanced wound dressing. Under the supervision of a clinician when an advanced wound dressing is applied, this will help to prevent infection and prevent delay in healing.

How many times will I need an advanced dressing?

The amount of times needed to change an advanced dressing will be at your provider’s discretion, based again on the severity of the wound and the state of healing. Some advanced wound dressings will need to be changed from every 6 hours to every 7 days. Your provider will share with you the projected timeline of healing and when changings should occur.

What does someone need to do to protect their advanced wound dressing?

With any wound dress, and especially advanced wound dressings, it is important to keep the area dry at all times. While showering you may wrap the wound in a garbage bag or cast cover. The main focus is to keep an advanced wound dressing dry at all times.