Compression Dressings
Compression Dressings
Discover advanced, non-invasive wound healing with compression dressings at Innovative Wound Care Specialists.
Compression Dressings FAQ
More About Compression Dressings
How Do Compression Dressings Work?
A compression dressings works by wrapping an ulcer, wound, or strain in an elastic cloth. There are different levels of compression, and your provider will select the appropriate compression based on your wound. From here, this compression dressing will serve to promote blood circulation for the wound, and decrease swelling, all to promote a better recovery.
What Conditions Require Compression Dressings?
Patients who will most likely benefit from, or require, a compression dressing include patients recovering from any form of ulcer, such as an arterial or venous ulcer. In addition, patients who are recovering from a minor burn or trauma wound.
What is an Advanced Wound Dressing?
This form of a compression dressing is when a wound is moderately or heavily draining. A proper assessment from an Innovative Wound Care Specialist will be able to assess and determine the right form of compression dressing for you.
What Occurs While Compression Dressing is Applied?
Your specialist will ensure the affected area, and dressing, are both clean for wrapping. The specialist will also assess the level of compression based on your wound needs.
What if Someone Takes a Compression Dressing Off Too Early?
If a compression is taken off prior to the time stated by a specialist, a patient could risk further injury and delay healing time. This is why it is crucial to be mindful of when it is time to remove a compression dressing, either at home or in a clinic, which will also be determined by a specialist.
How Many Times Will I Need a Compression Dressing?
For a majority of wounds, such as ulcers,compressions dressing will need to be applied often, as this is not a one-time treatment. It may require additional changing out of a compression dressing to promote optimal healing and recovery.
How Can Someone Reduce Swelling From a Compression Dressing?
If the swelling from a compression dressing is coming from the dressing itself, you will want to let your medical provider know, as there are different levels of compression depending on the wound.
What Does Someone Need to Do to Protect Their Compression Dressing?
It will be important to not get a compression dressing wet. When showering, some patients cover their compression with a cast cover or secured trash bag. Other daily activities can be done normally, with a sense of mindfulness of the dressing based on its location.
Compression Dressings Wound Treatment at Innovative Wound Care Specialists
If you are currently experiencing chronic ulcers, lower extremity edema, chronic wounds, or chronic bleeding please contact our office so that we can provide you the care that you need. At Innovative Wound Care Specialists, our team of skilled and highly trained medical providers aim to provide quality comfort and care to each patient. You can request an appointment online and learn more about our specialists.